Why You Shouldn't Care Too Much What People Think


Sep 23, 2024By Wholesome Counselling

Do You Feel Judged or Interrogated by Others When Good Things Happen in Your Life?Have you lost relationships because people envy you or don’t understand your transformation?

Have you blamed your parents or past circumstances for your struggles?
Do you struggle to fully embrace your healing and blessings because of the rejection or doubt of others? If you’ve faced these pains—blaming your past, questioning your worth, or feeling rejected for your blessings—this message is for you. This is a video content. click here  to watch on Youtube or read the Video Transcript below.

Your Healing is Not for Everyone to Understand. Yesterday, Sunday, I had the privilege of reading a passage from John chapter 9 that deeply resonated with me. As a psychotherapist who believes spiritual health is integral to overall well-being, I wanted to share my reflections.

At the Core of Therapy is Healing and Repair.
I believe in the holistic well-being of the mind, soul, and body. John chapter 9 tells the story of a man born blind. Here’s a summary:
Jesus encounters a man who was blind from birth. His disciples ask if the man’s blindness was due to his or his parent’s sin. Jesus responds that man’s condition is not about sin but so that God’s works may be displayed in him. Jesus then heals the man, restoring his sight. However, the Pharisees and religious leaders question him and his family, doubting the legitimacy of his healing and his connection to Jesus. The man boldly declares his belief in Jesus, and because of this, he is cast out of the synagogue. Jesus later finds him and reveals Himself entirely to him, and the man worships Jesus.

Do You Feel Judged or Interrogated by Others When Good Things Happen in Your Life?
Have you lost relationships because people envy you or don’t understand your transformation?
Have you blamed your parents or past circumstances for your struggles?
Do you struggle to fully embrace your healing and blessings because of the rejection or doubt of others?
If you’ve faced these pains—blaming your past, questioning your worth, or feeling rejected for your blessings—this message is for you.
This newsletter focuses on shifting from blame to trust, embracing God’s grace, and stepping confidently into the new season God is leading you into, even if it means losing relationships.

Key Lessons from the Story:
1. Quit the Blame Game: Your past isn’t necessarily a result of your parents’ actions or mistakes. Stop assigning blame. Instead, ask God to use your experiences, including childhood struggles, to reveal His grace and mercy. Seek God’s perspective on your journey and ask Him to use your experiences to bring glory to His name.

2.Rejection is a Sign of Your Blessing: Like the blind man cast out of the synagogue after his healing, some people will reject you because they can’t comprehend your transformation. Accept that some relationships may end when you step into God’s favour. This is not a setback but rather a confirmation of God’s favour.

3. Your Healing is Not for Everyone to Understand: When people question your healing or transformation as the Pharisees did, they aren’t truly for you. Surround yourself with people who celebrate your growth and God’s work.

4. Avoid Envious People: Stay closely connected only with people who genuinely want you to do well in life. When people reject you out of envy or disbelief in your blessings, stay away from them. Don’t force yourself to stay in associations that no longer align with your new season.

5. Jesus Meets You in Rejection: When rejection comes, embrace it as an opportunity to deepen your relationship with Christ. He will guide you, answer your questions, and call you into a closer walk with Him.

6. Embrace Your Faith Over Logic: Keep your faith strong and trust in God, not in your abilities or networks. God honours your faith, not your qualifications or connections. Stay firm in your belief in Him.

7. Don’t Dim Your Light: Don’t let others’ doubts or rejections dim the light God has placed in you. Step boldly into your blessing, trusting fully in His power and grace.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your healing journey, work with me one-on-one. Whether you’re struggling with anxiety, stress, or trauma, or find yourself caught in relationship conflicts, low self-esteem, or poor boundaries, I’d love to support you in transforming your life. Schedule a Consultation and I’ll respond to get you started.

In our one-on-one sessions, we’ll tackle these challenges using techniques including EMDR, in-person and available video sessions, shadow work, and mindfulness. The goal? Healing. You’ll gain confidence, establish healthy boundaries, improve your relationships, and find more peace and balance in your daily life.

Thanks for reading this post. You can share with anyone who might be interested.

-Marvel Adeyemi